

Anzahl: 2.424 Rang: 16.076 Häufigkeitsklasse: 13

Siehe auch: board
Artikel: das

Teil von: Board of Directors, Conference Board, International Football Association Board, Advisory Board, National Transportation Safety Board, Basic Board, Quotation Board, Chairman of the Board, Federal Reserve Board, Financial Stability Board, National Board of Review, Single Board Computer, Board of Trustees, Accounting Standards Board, Financial Planning Standards Board, Board of Governors, British Board of Film Classification, Brown v. Board of Education, Chicago Board Options Exchange, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, Associated Board, Balance Board, Belize Tourism Board, Board of Trade, Chair of the Board, mehr Chicago Board of Trade, Contract Recognition Board, European Board of Ophthalmology, Housing and Development Board, International Software Testing Qualifications Board, Northern Lighthouse Board, The Conference Board, Bulletin Board, Electricity Supply Board, European Milk Board, European Systemic Risk Board, International Accounting Standards Board, International Board, International Sustainability Standards Board, National Tourist Board, Single Resolution Board, Smart Board, White Board, Broadcasters' Audience Research Board, Bulletin Board System, California Air Resources Board, Currency Board, Entertainment Software Rating Board, Financial Accounting Standards Board, Finland Promotion Board, Food and Nutrition Board, German Testing Board, International Advisory Board, International Narcotics Control Board, International Requirements Engineering Board, Internet Architecture Board, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, Radio Regulations Board weniger

Silbentrennung: Board
Sachgebiet: Gerätebau

Beschreibung: [Bridge] Ein Board ist beim Kartenspiel Bridge ein Behälter mit 4 Fächern, die jeweils 13 Karten für die 4 Spieler enthalten. Boards... Wikipedia Icon


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